Believing Can Keep You Off the Naughty List!

It is that time of year that brings about the age old question:  Do you believe?  Do you have to be able to see something to believe that it is real?  Much like the spirit of Christmas, a DOL audit is very real and all should BELIEVE!

While you can’t see a Department of Labor (DOL) audit, you can believe that one could happen to any employer.  But employers can take some simple steps to stay on the “nice” list and avoid a DOL audit.  Employers can start by following the rules and regulations when dealing with employees, and secondly, they can be sure to have all of the appropriate documentation in place.

The second step is very important to avoiding the “naughty” list.  The Federal Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) mandates that employers/plan administrators of ERISA-covered plans provide a Summary Plan Description (SPD) to each participant and that plans be maintained in accordance with a written Plan Document.  The ERISA Wrap applies to virtually all employers who offer or sponsor benefits, regardless of number of participants.  Many employers mistakenly assume that insurance contracts, certificates of insurance, and benefits summaries fulfill the ERISA requirements for an SPD and Plan Document−but it isn’t enough.

To keep employers on the “nice” list, BASE® can provide the BASE® ERISA Wrap!  It is designed to help employers fulfill the ERISA requirements for an SPD and Plan Document.  From the first consultation to the implementation, BASE® provides and maintains all documentation to the employer for distribution to all eligible employers.

At Christmas if you’re naughty you get coal, but with the Department of Labor (DOL) it is much more serious – the employer will be fined $110 per-day, per employee not covered by the required or recommended provisions that protect the plan.

Despite what many employers believe, all businesses are at risk for an audit.  And seeing is believing for many, so when an employer finds themselves in an audit situation, they can believe they will avoid the costly fines of not being in compliance with an ERISA Wrap in place.

The DOL Employee Benefits Security Administration (EBSA) had an increase in the amount of ERISA DOL fines from 2016 to 2017 by 72 PERCENT, resulting in over $1.1 BILLION in fines.  The DOL is taking it serious in their Strategic Plan for the upcoming year.  With more data being shared electronically, any audit will trigger an investigation into other areas of employer non-compliance.

This holiday season is the perfect time for businesses to get prepared and set up properly for a profitable and compliant year.  Call BASE® at 1-888-386-9680 or visit the website

BASE® - Giving Thanks for All We Have

As Thanksgiving approaches, BASE® would like to take a moment and thank all of our wonderful Business Partners and clients that we have worked with this year.  In doing so, we would like to highlight some of the amazing words shared with us by our Business Partners and clients.  While Thanksgiving is traditionally known as a time to be thankful for family, friends, and health, these individuals prove we also find ourselves thankful for our financial situations as well.

“The Section 105 BASE® HRA is the most affordable health reimbursement plan that we have found. The staff has been very friendly and helpful from the very beginning. From the guidance offered the very minute we enrolled in the plan to the necessary documentation, we have felt everything has been very easy to understand. My husband and I feel that the staff is very knowledgeable with answers to any questions, and always keeps us informed of compliance issues that might arise in the age of healthcare reform. The best part would be the thousands in additional tax savings each year that wouldn’t be possible without the BASE® HRA in place.

If you are a self-employed farmer or business owner or own a small company looking for ways to save on the cost of out-of-pocket medical expenses and health insurance premiums, BASE® has many HRA options available for you to inquire about.  They have the knowledge to help you get started with the proper option for you.  As a self-employed farming team, we highly recommend the Section 105 BASE®HRA to create a means to save on your taxes each year.“

Colleen E. - BASE® HRA Client since 2004

“We decided to partner with BASE® in order to help our clients navigate the technical details associated with Health Reimbursement Arrangements. Under the direction and support from BASE®, we were able to save our clients thousands of dollars in taxes. BASE® always provides thorough, understandable explanations and their staff is quite helpful.”

Rod R. - Business Partner since 2016

“I have a twelve year relationship with BASE® and they have always done a great job of taking care of my customers.  I have worked with the BASE® HRA and, most recently, the BASE® ERISA Wrap.  The BASE® ERISA Wrap is one product that provides an immediate compliance solution for my clients, and is basically something they have to have.  If I am selling an insurance plan, I let them know the ERISA Wrap is required and immediately connect them with BASE®.  They make it simple for the customers, they provide a quick turnaround time, and I have come to find they are the most inexpensive option in the market.  I believe the BASE® ERISA Wrap has actually helped cement sales when having a conversation with customers, so I would encourage fellow agents to utilize BASE® as part of their sales strategy.  Simply put, BASE® is a quality company, with quality service and quality products.“

Rob M. - BASE Business Partner since 2006

We couldn’t do what we do best without our staff, Business Partners, and clients.  It is our recipe for success, and we are thankful every day.  Contact us to learn more about how you could be thankful for pre-tax savings and compliance, and most importantly, take time to give thanks for everything in your life.