Latest BASE® Topics
BASE® Clients Enjoy Growing Tax Savings
BASE® has been offering small business owners Section 105 HRA administration for well over 25 years. With each passing year and increasing healthcare expenses, that means the average tax savings a client experiences continues to increase.
The average client now saves an average of over $7,200* in tax savings on healthcare with the BASE® Section 105 HRA. This plan is designed to allow small business owners the opportunity to deduct up-to 100% of healthcare costs, including qualified individual insurance premiums and ...
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Top Question Surrounding ERISA Document Distribution
Employers often have questions about distributing Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs) and Plan Documents to employees. Understanding what is considered sufficient to comply with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and the consequence of non-compliance is crucial.
Common Question:
“As the employer, we distributed the SPDs to the ERISA plan participants. A few weeks later, an employee made a written request for a copy of the SAME SPD. Are we obligated to provide the additional copy? Isn’t distributing the plan booklets or insurance certificates enough? What are the consequences if we don...
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We're not the only ones ecstatic excited about BASE®...
What Our Clients Say....
People who pay for their own healthcare see this as a great way to offset their costs. And, as a Business Partner, it feels good to help put that money back in their pocket.
The BASE® representatives I have spoken to have been very helpful in answering all my questions and have been very knowledgeable as well.
The staff at BASE® have been more than helpful to ensure that I have the latest information and completely understand my plan. Section 105 plans can be very complex and involved, and I would never participate in a section 105 plan without the help of BASE®.
BASE® has a great plan; the web software is easy to use, and most importantly, as an employer, you can be sure that the plan is in compliance with the IRS and Department of Labor – all of which is a great comfort.
Benefits you can Trust. Service you can Count On.™ BASE® Offers Tax Advantaged Plans & Compliance Services.