Checking Out the POP And We Aren't Talking About Soda

When employers are looking for a way to save money without sacrificing the quality of the health benefits they provide to their employees, one way is with a 125 Cafeteria Plan that offers significant tax savings for both employer and employees. 

The BASE® Premium Only Plan (POP), is one of four options under a 125 Cafeteria Plan.  This plan allows for an IRS-approved change in an employer’s payroll process to deduct the employee portion of the employer-sponsored benefit premiums on a pre-tax basis. 

The Premium Only Plan can save the employer and employees hundreds of dollars a year and the process to get started is so simple.  Because taxes can take a big chunk out of the business’ revenue and the employees’ earnings, the POP is a legal way to enjoy the tax savings and pay for insurance premiums. 

How does the Premium Only Plan work?  When the employee elects to participate, their portion of insurance premiums are deducted from their salary on a pre-tax basis, helping the employee pay less taxes, resulting in higher take-home pay.  Check out the example below.  

Employee Benefits



Employee Income



Less Health Premiums



Taxable Income



Estimated Federal, State, & Social Security Taxes (27%)



Income After Taxes



Less Health Premiums



Remaining Income After Taxes & Health Premiums



Increase in Take-Home Pay



This is an example.  The actual savings amount may vary depending on the employee’s specific tax requirements.

The POP is an easy and inexpensive benefit to set up that creates a more competitive benefit package that generates tax savings for employers.  The amount an employer can save can be significant.  For example, FICA tax rate is 7.65%.  If an employee puts $100 toward their Cafeteria Plan that can save the employer $7.65.  Although, it seems like a small number, it adds up quickly when more than one employee elects into the POP.

The example above shows just how much an employee can save by paying for their share of the employer-sponsored benefit premiums on a pre-tax basis.  Depending on the employee’s family income, paying for health insurance in this way can save anywhere from 25-40% in taxes for every dollar they elect, helping to defray the cost of insurance premiums. 

For employers looking to enhance their health benefits package with a quick payroll adjustment that adds value and savings,  contact BASE® at 888.386.9680 or visit

Hard Time Deciding Between Group Health Insurance & an HRA?

With health care costs on the rise every year, from prescription to over-the-counter medications, to copays, and to insurance premiums, there is no end in sight.  When health care expenses are costly, not only do the employees feel the impact financially, but so does the employer who offers health benefits. 

Employers are weighing the pros and cons of offering a traditional group health plan and having a hard time deciding on continuing to offer a group health plan or offering a health reimbursement arrangement.

The best news?  Employers do not have to choose!  And we know what employers might be thinking…”its going to be more expensive to offer BOTH options to our employees…” but it will actually save the employer AND employee!

The BASE® Integrated HRA allows employers with a group health plan in place to reduce the overall cost of health insurance premiums and assist employees with health care expenses not covered by health insurance. 

With the flexible design of the BASE® Integrated HRA, any employer can take advantage of its tax savings by coupling it with a group health plan, helping to suppress the yearly increases associated with traditional forms of health care.  The Integrated HRA helps to cut health care costs and has been proven to reduce health insurance premium increases by 10-50%. 

Employers can choose to raise the deductible on the current group health plan, reducing the overall cost of the insured plan, couple the plan with the BASE® Integrated HRA, and self-insure a portion of the deductible to keep the employee responsibility maintainable.  Funds are protected by only being paid to the employee when a qualifying expense has been adjudicated by BASE® with no prefunding necessary.  Employers now have better control over the cost of their overall group health plan they offer and if they choose to change group health plans, the Integrated HRA is portable and will work with any carrier, health insurance plan, or group benefit plan.                                              

Employees do not have to prefund this HRA and will receive reimbursements as non-reportable and non-taxable income.  Employees now have additional funds to pay for the health care expenses that are not covered by the insurance. 

For employers who want to continue offering a group health plan but see valuable savings each year, the Integrated HRA is more than just a product from BASE®, it’s an approach to affordable health care where employers don’t have to decide.  Contact BASE® at 888.386.9680 or visit