
Please enter your BASE® ID, the email address you provided to BASE®, and create and confirm a new password in the registration form below using the password requirements noted to update and further secure your account.

  • You must have an active account and your email address MUST be on file with BASE® to access the site, it is essential that you provide us with a valid email address.
    If you do not have an email on file please call 1 (800) 370-9607 to register one.
Password requirements are:

  • Minimum of 14 characters in length.
  • Retype & Match Password

  • Match 3 of the 4 Criteria:
    • At least one upper case letter (A-Z)
    • At least one lower case letter (a-z)
    • At least one number (0-9)
    • Inclusion of at least one special character: $ # @ ? - _ !

Complete all fields to proceed.

BASE® is committed to protecting your personal information. Please review our privacy statement for further details. If you forget your login information, please click Forgot Your Password.