BASE® Products
Tax-Advantaged Plans
The BASE® Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) was designed to assist with healthcare expenses, and provides our average client over $5,900 in tax savings. The BASE® HRA is an IRS-approved tax savings plan created through Section 105 of the Internal Revenue Code.
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Available exclusively for BASE® HRA clients, SamplePay® is available to help small business owners (sole proprietors and partnerships only) develop legitimate employee compensation procedures for their company.
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The BASE® Excepted Benefit Health Reimbursement Arrangement (EBHRA) allows employers of all sizes to use tax free dollars to reimburse certain benefits. Employers must offer group health insurance, but employees don’t have to be enrolled in the group health plan to benefit from the EBHRA.
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The BASE® Individual Coverage HRA (ICHRA) allows employers the opportunity to increase flexibility and employee choice by designing a reimbursement plan for their employees individually purchased insurance.
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BASE® Integrated HRA
The BASE® Integrated HRA is available for employers with a group health insurance plan in place who are looking to reduce the overall cost of insurance coverage. The BASE® Integrated HRA, also known as a Medical Expense Reimbursement Plan (MERP), is an employer-paid reimbursement program, designed to specifically assist employees with medical expenses. This means savings for employers and more options for employees.
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The BASE® Qualified Small Employer HRA helps employers offer their employees a more attractive benefits package. Thanks to new legislation, employers can help their employees pay for qualified medical coverage for themselves and their families, tax-free. The employees can use the money for insurance premiums, co-pays, deductibles, eye care, dental care, or any other qualified healthcare expense.
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BASE® Health Savings Account
The BASE® Health Savings Account (HSA) is a special type of bank account designed to help individuals save and pay for qualified medical expenses, while also allowing the opportunity to save for the future, and/or invest funds to build wealth. An HSA allows participants in a qualifying High Deductible Health Plan (HDHP) to save money on a pre-tax basis to pay for qualifying medical expenses now or in the future. HSAs also offer excellent tax benefits to help individuals make the most out of every health care dollar, making it a powerful tool for diversifying retirement portfolios.
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BASE® 125 Cafeteria Plan
The BASE® 125 Cafeteria Plan allows employers to customize benefits and save money. Employers that sponsor a BASE® 125 Cafeteria Plan can allow employees who are paying medical expenses, insurance premiums or dependent care expenses to do so on a pre-tax basis. A cafeteria plan can create sizable savings for both the employer and employee.
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The BASE® ERISA Wrap is designed to help employers fulfill the ERISA requirements for an SPD and Plan Document. Many employers mistakenly assume that insurance contracts, certificates of insurance and benefits summaries fulfill the ERISA requirements for an SPD and Plan Document – but they don't include the required or recommended provisions that protect the plan and the employer.
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Human Resources
BASE® HR Library
BASE® HR Library is your one-stop shop HR solution. BASE® provides our clients with an award-winning online library that delivers comprehensive, easy-to-navigate human resources and benefits news, content, tools and forms to companies nationwide.
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