Not all businesses have a designated HR department who knows the ins and outs of all things HR for the business. So how can an employer…
Stop wasting time researching laws and HR guidelines when they could be putting that time into their business?
Know that the answers they spent so much time looking for are correct?
Get all the forms and posters they are required to hang up in their office?
Stay in compliance with major federal and state laws?
Get everything they need HR-related all in one place?
With the BASE® Online HR Library!
The Online HR Library is an online Human Resources library with a full, 360-degree view of human resources and benefits laws on the federal and state level. From forms, to posters, with the newest information on the most updated health care reform or state employment laws, a business has everything an HR department may need at their fingertips.
The BASE® Online HR Library is an award-winning HR compliance library that brings over 15 years of legal experience managing an HR compliance library. The library is used by many business owners all over the country for such things as step-by-step guidance on how to comply with major laws including Health Care reform, COBRA and FMLA, as well as the key HR functions such as hiring and terminating employees.
This mini-HR department at a business’ fingertips features dynamic interactive HR tools, such as a job description builder and salary benchmarking tool. Businesses can also find interactive compliance guides that provide the proper steps on how to conduct performance reviews, the interview process, hiring, and terminating employees. With over 700 downloadable forms, posters, and model notices, businesses will find exactly what they need.
One of the biggest risks a business can face is NOT being compliant with the ACA, DOL, etc. The BASE® Online HR Library can help get all your HR and benefit questions answered, help streamline some essential HR functions, and help a business mitigate risk of not being in compliance.
If an office manager, designated HR employee, or a self-employed business owner is trying to do it all, the HR library was built just for them!
Whether a business has 5 or 500 employees, the Online HR Library is a comprehensive, easy-to-use site that makes it easy to follow everchanging rules and regulations. For more information on the BASE® Online HR Library for only $30 a year, contact BASE® at 888.386.9680 or visit