BASE® - Giving Thanks for All We Have

As Thanksgiving approaches, BASE® would like to take a moment and thank all of our wonderful Business Partners and clients that we have worked with this year.  In doing so, we would like to highlight some of the amazing words shared with us by our Business Partners and clients.  While Thanksgiving is traditionally known as a time to be thankful for family, friends, and health, these individuals prove we also find ourselves thankful for our financial situations as well.

“The Section 105 BASE® HRA is the most affordable health reimbursement plan that we have found. The staff has been very friendly and helpful from the very beginning. From the guidance offered the very minute we enrolled in the plan to the necessary documentation, we have felt everything has been very easy to understand. My husband and I feel that the staff is very knowledgeable with answers to any questions, and always keeps us informed of compliance issues that might arise in the age of healthcare reform. The best part would be the thousands in additional tax savings each year that wouldn’t be possible without the BASE® HRA in place.

If you are a self-employed farmer or business owner or own a small company looking for ways to save on the cost of out-of-pocket medical expenses and health insurance premiums, BASE® has many HRA options available for you to inquire about.  They have the knowledge to help you get started with the proper option for you.  As a self-employed farming team, we highly recommend the Section 105 BASE®HRA to create a means to save on your taxes each year.“

Colleen E. - BASE® HRA Client since 2004

“We decided to partner with BASE® in order to help our clients navigate the technical details associated with Health Reimbursement Arrangements. Under the direction and support from BASE®, we were able to save our clients thousands of dollars in taxes. BASE® always provides thorough, understandable explanations and their staff is quite helpful.”

Rod R. - Business Partner since 2016

“I have a twelve year relationship with BASE® and they have always done a great job of taking care of my customers.  I have worked with the BASE® HRA and, most recently, the BASE® ERISA Wrap.  The BASE® ERISA Wrap is one product that provides an immediate compliance solution for my clients, and is basically something they have to have.  If I am selling an insurance plan, I let them know the ERISA Wrap is required and immediately connect them with BASE®.  They make it simple for the customers, they provide a quick turnaround time, and I have come to find they are the most inexpensive option in the market.  I believe the BASE® ERISA Wrap has actually helped cement sales when having a conversation with customers, so I would encourage fellow agents to utilize BASE® as part of their sales strategy.  Simply put, BASE® is a quality company, with quality service and quality products.“

Rob M. - BASE Business Partner since 2006

We couldn’t do what we do best without our staff, Business Partners, and clients.  It is our recipe for success, and we are thankful every day.  Contact us to learn more about how you could be thankful for pre-tax savings and compliance, and most importantly, take time to give thanks for everything in your life. 

Don’t Be Scared…of the Rising Cost of Health Care

Halloween is just around the corner and who doesn’t love to get a little scared?  But for health care, it seems to be Halloween every day!  With the rising cost of health care, a lot of businesses are afraid of what will happen to their health plans and if it’s possible to continue to provide them to their employees. 

As health care costs continue to rise, more people are skipping their doctor visits altogether.  It doesn’t seem to be the fear of going to the doctor, but the fear of what comes after - the medical bill.  According to a recent national poll, over the past 12 months, 44% of Americans said they didn’t go to the doctor when they were sick or injured because of financial concerns.  Meanwhile, 40% said they skipped a recommended medical test or treatment.

“One of the most important consequences of skipping medical care or delaying care ultimately impacts the quality of care, impacts the outcome,” Cleveland Clinic president and CEO Tom Mihaljevic.  “Ultimately visits or delay of visits to the physician ultimately leads to the increased cost of care.” (How health care costs are making consumers more afraid of medical bills than an actual illness, Trent Gilles, CNBC).  

So what can a business do?

Call and talk to a BASE® Sales Representative about implementing a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) into the business.  An HRA is an employer-funded account that reimburses employees for out-of-pocket medical expenses and individual health insurance premiums.  Employers can help take a little bit of the scare out of having to offer a higher deductible plan to employees.  BASE® knows that HRAs have been around for a while, but that their importance is now greater than ever.

BASE® has three HRAs to fit all types of businesses – self-employed, businesses with a group health plan, and companies who do not offer group health plans, but want to offer a benefits package.  HRAs are widely beneficial to all companies of all sizes, as they lower employer and employee costs.  Each HRA does something a little different, but all plans will help reduce the financial impact of health care expenses, help contain the overall cost of their benefit plan, and all reimbursements are 100% deductible as a business expense.

It’s called HEALTH CARE, not HEALTH SCARE!  So don’t let the rising cost of health care scare a business into not providing their employees the convenience of containing health care costs.  Call BASE® at 1-888-386-9680 or visit TODAY!